
200+ Years of experience
22bn+ EUR of debt arranged
last 15 years

The ARCOS team has significant experience in structuring and restructuring deals in the sub-investment grade credit markets. The team has during the last 15 years arranged in excess of EUR 22 billion of financing for both large and mid-sized corporates in the sub-investment grade space in Europe.

The professionals have analysed and invested in the European credit markets through the credit cycles with extensive experience of periods of financial turmoil and economic stress over the last decades.

The team has over the years developed a unique and highly effective sourcing network across Europe that provides it with access to the most attractive credits in the European debt markets and an ability to deploy capital in a selective and efficient manner.

Corporate Governance


The ARCOS Board of Directors comprises senior executives who bring together a significant collective experience from banks, private equity, asset management and the corporate industry.


The ARCOS Investment Committee assesses each credit through the Credit Committees and acts as advisor to the GP Board of Director. The members of the Investment Committee have each more than 25 years of experience in arranging, underwriting and managing leveraged loans in the European Leveraged Finance market.


Investment decisions are made by the Board of the General Partner of the respective ARCOS funds after a recommendation by the Investment Committee. ARCOS Capital Partners has been appointed by the General Partner of each fund to act as investment adviser.

Core Values

Transparency forms the basis of everything we do. It not only builds trust but also ensures an effective credit selection environment.


Entrepreneurship fosters innovation and creativity which is fundamental in developing optimal solutions.

team work

Effective team work optimises the use of collective competence and experience.

sense of urgency

A sense of urgency penetrates everything we do and what we want to achieve.